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Essay Database > History > World History
Why we should have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan -end war quickly -no more American casualties -revenge for Pearl Harbor -Kamikaze strategy hurts America -We warned them -Hatred/mistrust toward America Why we shouldn't have dropped the bomb -wrongly targeted civilians -killed many innocent people Causes of Cold War 1.Following WWII, the U.S.S.R cut off the territories it conquered in Eastern Europe, while on its way to beating Germany from the …

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…and Soviet Union forced Israel and her European allies (England and France) to withdraw from Egypt. 1967: Arab nations wanted to confront Israel oNot successful oIsraelis attacked airfields in Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria oAs a result, Israel now occupied militarily the old city of Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, and the West bank ( to provide a buffer zone and improve security) 1973: A joint Arab attack on the date of Yam Kipper (October War)