Revenge man's delight

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
Revenge Man's Delight Revenge, payback, settling the score, getting even, vengeance, whatever we choose to call it, it expresses an emotion that we all foster, yet we are rarely proud of .It exists within us all more often than we might want to admit. Let's face it, if someone cuts in front of you on the highway, you blurt out an expletive, and cut off the other driver in return. What? A tougher situation? Ok! …

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…Hieronimo is a seeker for justice and not revenge, but when justice failed to secure him, he then quests for revenge. In addition to Hieronimo, we see Don Andrea is seeking revenge for he was killed in a battle. Bel Imperia also seeks vengeance after learning from Horatio the circumstances of Don Andrea's death. All in all, avengers are not motivated by what the lost, but simply by the fact that they have lost it.