Revenge as a Cycle between Adam and Eve.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
The essence of Revenge goes back to the everlasting struggle between Adam and Eve. We all know Eve's seduction for Adam to eat the forbidden apple, which contributed to their allied punishment and damnation by casting them out from heaven to the world of sin and conflict between good and evil. I think that Adam in no means could have forgiven Eve for what she had committed, as a result he sought and is still …

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…women became more independent of men even in terms of sexuality, which reinforce their revenge against Adam How does the story of Adam and Eve's struggle end? They are still evolving. Will they become more and more human, smarter, more compassionate, and more creative until eventually get over the revenge and become one with God? Maybe in some symbolic sense they will come full circle back to the Garden of Eden where the story started.