Respose to "He-y, Come on Ou-t!" by Shinichi Hoshi.

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Essay Database > Literature
What would a life be without sunshine or moonlight, without the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, the smell of crisp autumn air, or without the feel of dewy grass brushing our feet? Our environment gives us a source of peace, happiness and relaxation. But what about a life filled with ringing cell phones, angry bosses, tight deadlines and traffic jams? Living with these aggravations causes us stress, anger and chaos, but what …

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…back to haunt us. We are sitting in the driver's seat, chattering away on our cell phones, too engrossed to spot the danger. In the blink of an eye we see the impending collision, but it's too late. We are all so absorbed with dollar signs that we can't appreciate Mother Earth's true value. "The man, however, was gazing in idle reverie at the city's skyline growing ever more beautiful, and he failed to notice" (155).