Response to the 2002 Washington Post article by Glenn Kessler, "Powell Pledges More Support For Colombia's Anti-Rebel War" Very opinion oriented.

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Powell Pledges More Support For Colombia's Anti-Rebel War --South America --Glenn Kessler --Washington Post, December 5th. In a startling example of why the United States is suffering from a growing deficit, the Bush administration has secured the right from Congress to increase foreign aid to Colombia, as a corollary to the war on terrorism. Columbia has already received 1.8 million dollars, to spend on things like helicopters, and, well, helicopters. In 2003, Columbia is expected to receive …

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…Bogota and the city becomes a tourist mecca. Okay, that went too far, but it could happen. At first, I wasn't convinced that the War on Terrorism and the War on Drugs could be fought together. I thought it was a cheap ploy to gain public support for giving away money that we don't have, during a recession. However, they do go together; they are the conjoined circles that meet at the crossroads of poverty.