Response to Marilyn Manson's Essay; Columbine: Whose Fault Is It?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Marilyn Manson's article on Columbine is in defense of himself concerning the blame from the media for the shootings in Littleton, Colorado. The points he brought up in his defense impressed me. I never really expected him to have that kind of outlook on things. There were a few controversial points that I was shocked to have seen brought up, like religion. He is the self proclaimed Antichrist and bringing religion into such a heated …

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…itself for the bad things that happen within its realm. It must be someone else's fault because our President doesn't kill for no good reason he does it for our protection and the protection of other countries. Our news media doesn't blow things out of proportion for good ratings, and we as a people don't condone violence and guns by accepting it in the media and as a part of everyday life, or do we?