Response to Kate Chopin's "Ripe Figs".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Response to Kate Chopin's "Ripe Figs" Kate Chopin's "Ripe Figs," leaves my mind searching for more. I do not feel satisfied after reading and re-reading this story. A little girl name Babette lives with her godmother Maman Nainaine. Kate Chopin, I believe, is trying to depict the differences between a young girls view on time an older woman views. Babette is a young girl who can't wait for the figs to ripen. Is this because …

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…in the end. What happens next? Did Babette go on her visit? Was it worth the wait? Chopin is saying that good things are worth waiting for. I must agree with her on this point. Although a butterfly is beautiful, it started as an ugly little worm who had to go through the stages of growth. I walk away saying "cherish time as it passes slowly, because once you mature, there is no stopping it."