Response to Author Dina Temple-Raston's discussion on Genocide

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This past week, on April 5th, the James Madison University had the privilege of hosting guest speaker Dina Temple-Raston, the notable author of the book, Justice on the Grass: Three Rwandan Journalists, Their Trial for War Crimes and a Nation's Quest for Redemption, during a "Confronting Genocide" conference. Temple-Raston spoke of the heinousness of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and the recovery period the country endured. She summarized the events of the genocide for a student …

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…lot of time before there can truly be justice. Temple-Raston is promoting awareness of the Rwanda genocide because history repeats itself. Today, a similar event is occurring in Darfur. She explained that over 100,000 people have already been killed by the government bombing villages in another instance of genocide. Perhaps, with contributions to people like Dina Temple-Raston promoting awareness, the world will not just sit back and watch while genocide is occurring as they did in 1994.