Response paper on the short story: "Bone" written by Fae Myenne Ng. Not too long but decent for its size..

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Response Paper on Bone Fae Myenne Ng's Bone narrates the story of an immigrant Chinese family settled in Chinatown. The story revolves around various types of relationships among the characters, with marriage as a common thread binding them all. The author presents different types of marriages and their respective effects on the protagonist's family, such as Mah's first and second marriages, and Leila's marriage to Mason Louie. First person perspective is employed through Leila (Mah's …

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…result. Her second marriage starts out successfully, but unfortunate circumstances lead to its eventual demise. Leila, her daughter, learns from these mistakes and experiences and is able to make a correct choice that brings her a life of happiness, a life her mother never was able to gain for herself. Against the backdrop of the "old-world" customs of Chinatown, Ng uses marriage to exhibit how people benefit and suffer from the choices they make.