Responding to Stress

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Responding to Stress Suppose that you are in your car in the middle of a traffic jam heading home from school after a terrible day. You feel frustrated and groan as you think about the calculus midterm you have tomorrow, which you still have to study for. Suddenly, you have to hit the brakes. Your heart starts beating faster and you insult the driver whom nearly made you crash. Are these reactions normal? Indeed they …

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…meditating while listening to comforting music helps to relax ones body and mind. Likewise, a soothing massage releases muscular tensions and immediately reduces pressure. In addition, a vigorous workout relieves stress, since one is able get distracted from the problem. Finally, talking to a trustworthy person is always reassuring. All in all, it is necessary to deal with the responses to stress on time so that psychological problems do not become an issue. Bibliography none