Responce on Frank McCourt's "Angela's Ashes

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Essay Database > Literature
Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes is a powerful, stunning and emotional memoir of his life starting from childhood to adulthood. This book has a unique way on the narrator technique which is using young Frank's 'innocent eye' to tell the story. This allows the reader to experience his own life in a transparent way and able to witness how Frank grow from a innocent child to a complex adult. His writing can be easily identified between …

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…never will again. It's getting dark. I walk my bicycle out of the graveyard. I have telegrams to deliver." This part of the text is really descriptive and the structure has characteristic of a mature writer. His thoughts and feelings are deeply profound. To conclude, there is a evolved Frank McCourt evidently noticed from the start to the end, and the 'innocent eye' at the beginning of the book can truly strike the reader's mind.