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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The world is in peril. What used to be a lush, peaceful planet unmarred by Man's cruel hands is now a filthy shadow of her former splendour. Carnage litters the land; smog thickens the already polluted atmosphere. Slowly, but surely, life on Earth is being snuffed out like a candle in a breeze. I feel that the only way we can arrest this devastating trend is for Man to discard his image of superiority and …

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…presented with the impression of a sophisticated modern laboratory where animals are well looked after, a careful probe into animal testing institutions reveals nothing more but a few skeletons in the cupboard. Notes: The essay is very well-written. It engages the reader to think about the current situation in this seemingly cruel world. The choice of vocabulary is excellent and both grammer and expression are flawless. Can be used as an exemplary essay for students.