Research paper on the most seismically active state in the US, Alaska.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Plate Boundary's <Tab/>Alaska is positioned in a very unique and complex tectonic surrounding. Towards the southern edge of Alaska, lies the boundary between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate. The Pacific Plate is moving towards the northwest and is being subducted under the North American Plate. The average rate of subduction at this boundary is 5-7 cm per year. This movement causes the crust in southern Alaska to …

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…both our economy and the regions wildlife and environment. The largest fishing industry in America is located in Alaska's Aleutian Islands. These islands are highly susceptible to earthquakes, as well and volcanoes and earthquake related tsunamis. Earthquakes in the past have been known to significantly damage the industry in the area, and if large enough, an earthquake, volcano, or tsunami can totally wipe out the entire population of that area (