Research paper on the dietary supplement Ephedra.

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Research Paper Wouldn't it be nice to pop a pill, stretch out in a BarcaLounger and incinerate calories like a long-distance runner? That's one of the many statements that manufactures of dietary products claim ephedra can do for someone. Ephedra is an herb which has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 5,000 years and is considered the world's oldest medicine. Ephedra is used as a dietary supplement to help stimulate metabolism and suppress appetite. …

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…safe," Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week," 13 January 2001, pg. 13. "U.S. Army Cautions Ephedra Weight Loss Claims Not Based on Science," Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA, 17 September 2000, Pg. 37. "US class-action law suit over ephedra; Illinois becomes the first state to ban it," Nutraceuticals International, 21 June 2003, pg.11. Wallace, Phil. "Jury decides for plaintiffs in Metabolife product case," Food Chemical News, 25 November 2002, pg. 15. ---. "McClellan discusses FDA approach to ephedra problem," Food Chemical News, 26 May 2003, pg. 23.