Research paper on the beatles

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The Story of My Search <Tab/>Everyone, Americans and Europeans alike, have heard-of, if not grown off of, a generation and culture started by an ensemble of four shaggy-haired Liverpool musicians that the world went mad over; no one can deny that no greater event impacted today's pop culture than "Beatlemania". But not everyone has heard the story behind the Beatles, who were they? How did they become the band and …

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…Artists A-Z 2001. 13 Oct. 2002. <> Gerber, Louis. "The Beatles." The Beatles. 2002. 12 Oct. 2002. <> Giuliano, Geoffrey. The Beatles: A Celebration. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986. "The Sgt. Pepper Story." With the Beatles: The Complete Guide to the Beatles. Ed. Peter Blake. 12 Oct. 2002. <>