Research paper on Mafia and success of Al Capone: Also influences by Gangs of other nationalities

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Do you enjoy watching movies such as "The God Father" and "The untouchables" and wonder how the Italian Mafia got so powerful? A universal belief in that Italian Mafia was the consummate in Organized Crime and reigned supreme over all other competition in the Organized crime area when in fact it is becoming more evident that Irish influence and Jewish dealings and alliances are in fact part-responsible for where the Italian Mafia got and how …

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…powerful and brilliant at concocting ingenious schemes and ways to avoid the firm grip of the governmental system. But the truth is, Organized Crime can only take control if the Government lets it. The Italian Mafia was labeled as the Supreme Rulers of the underground world when in reality it was a comprising of many and almost all of different races and nationalities. The Italians just stood out more because of their style and pizzazz.