Research Essay on Crane's Maggie a Girl of the Streets

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Essay Database > Literature > English
By Lee A. Zito A person's identity is a mixture of many characteristics. These characteristics make up who we are, how we act, and decisions we make in life. These decisions can include where we hang out, who we hang out with, and what type of behavior we emit. What creates these characteristics? How do we develop these traits that determine who we are in society? When Stephen Crane wrote Maggie A Girl of the …

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…to please someone else in some way. (, 2004) Reading Maggie a Girl From the Street has really opened my eyes to how much our surroundings can influence who we become. Yes, some people may find it difficult believing that their surroundings have influenced them as a person. But, if you take the time to ponder where you achieved certain personality traits, you may find that you need only to look around at your environment.