Research Essay- Power & Negotiation

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Consider how an imbalance between 'high power' and 'low power' parties might shape a negotiation process. How might an experienced mediator deal with this problem? Provide practical examples where appropriate. The issue of power is inherent in negotiations. In most negotiated conflict situations, one party has more power than another. They may use their greater share of power to shape and manipulate a negotiation to achieve their desired objectives. Furthermore, when the power differential is …

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…the ability to get things done the way {they want} them to be done."(p.133). This is evident throughout society, particularly in negotiations. But, sometimes parties who this power may use it to the detriment of the negotiation process, by manipulating it and unfairly treating the disempowered parties. That is why the role of mediators is increasing becoming important in negotiations involving a power imbalance, because 'David' can't always take on 'Goliath' on his own.