Resarch essay on the classic novel by Charles Dickens, Hard Times.

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RESEARCH ESSAY ON HARD TIMES English 2319 April 4, 2001 Hard Times was originally written as a weekly serial in a journal called Household Words. It was written in 1854 to depict what life was like during the industrial revolution and reflect the distinctions between the classes during that era. The novel centres around a theme of a convincing criticism of utilitarianism, and every character in the novel plays a role of reinforcing this theme. Utilitarianism doctrine reflects that …

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…and important, it cannot override the need for compassion in our life. Through the use of his two-dimensional predictable characters, he achieves a most effective way of expressing this viewpoint. WORKS CITED Dickens, Charles. Hard Times. Peterborough; Broadview Press, 1996. Gissing, George. Charles Dickens: A Critical Study. (Library Binding); 1999. Icoz, Nursel. "Evil Intentions are the Evil Person's Own Undoing." Middle East Technical University; 1998. Johnson, E.D.H. Charles Dickens: An Introduction to His Novels. Random House; 1969.