Republican Unfairness (problems with the Electoral College).

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Essay Database > History > North American History
George Puica Model Congress Republican Unfairness "The Electors shall meet in their respective States and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President" (Amendment XII: to Article II, Section 3 of U.S. Constitution). These words would differentiate the United States from all other countries in the world. The Electoral College consists of a group of people called Electors, which submit votes for one candidate in each state. All of this is because the United States is …

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…of the popular vote the election loser. It has also required recounts, most recently in Florida, where twenty-five votes were at stake and could make either candidate win. Removing it completely would give too much power to the candidates, who would take advantage by requiring endless recounts, possibly able to proceed with national recounts. It took Florida four weeks to perform their recounts. A non-democratic government like the one in use today is not acceptable.