Representation of Industrialisation in Dickens' "Hard times".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Representation of Industrialisation in Dickens' 'Hard times' Charles Dickens uses his fictitious town in Hard Times to represent the industrialization of England at that time or close to it. Most of this representation, however, isn't accurately described compared the way things really were during industrialization. It is important to remember throughout this paper that not only is Hard Times a work of fiction, it was meant to be a satire, a parody of ideas and …

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…against Stephen and to increase the drama for that part of the plot, especially when considering Slackbridge's weak and dull speech during his first appearance. Despite all these misconceptions of reality, Dickens' Hard Times conveys the correct images needed to be a successful parody, especially considering that the parody isn't of industrialisation but of utilitarianism. While industrialisation isn't accurately described in the book, the fact that it is a work of fiction makes this acceptable.