Report on the 1980 Election.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Our forefathers made considerations so that America would never be engulfed in a monarchy or totalitarian government. With much foresight, a checks and balances system was instilled as well as many other justice preserving institutions. Most important was the process of electing officials. Americans have the responsibility of electing one of the most significant leaders in their country and in the world. In 1979, America was hardly the country that our forefathers pictured. These times can …

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…David H. Everson, The Presidential Election and Transition 1980-1981. (Carbondale, IL and Edwardsville, IL, Southern Illinois University Press 1983), 80-87 Eric Fonter and John A. Garraty, ed., The Readers Companion to American History. (Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1981), 347 Howell Raines. "Reagan Prepares for Attack on Carter if 52 are Freed," (New York Times, Sunday Nov. 2, 1980,) A36 Hedrick Smith, "President Concedes; Republican Gains Victories in All Areas and Vows to Act on Economy" (New York Times, Wednesday, November 5, 1980,) A18