Report on Bulimia Nervosa

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Bulimia nervosa, better known as bulimia, is most common among female adolescents through their mid-twenties. Families with a history of mental health problems, eating disorders, physical illness, or substance abuse are more likely to produce people who become bulimic in their adolescent years. They often binge by eating large amounts, up to 55, 000 calories; and then purge by inducing vomiting or misusing laxatives and diuretics or other medications that prevent their bodies from retaining all the …

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…gov/faq/bulnervosa.htm#3> Marieb, Elaine N. Human Anatomy and Physiology. Canada: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1989. Rowan, Peter. Introducing Bulimia Nervosa. The Priory Hospital January 2002 (Dec. 14, 03) <> Thomas Jefferson University Hospital - Bulimia Nervosa Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (Dec. 14, 03) <> notes: - i got 9/10, teacher said it was good