Report on Australia's declining birth rates.

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Essay Database > History
Report on Australian decreasing birth rate. What is the issue? The decrease of fertility rates as a result of changing attitudes in society. With low birthrates and an ageing community, our country is faced with a population crisis. Where is the focus of the issue, in spatial dimensions? Why is an issue in this area? Or is this a global issue? This decline in babies being born is effecting the population worldwide. Italy and Spain …

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…birth rates were between 3.7 and 4.0. This decline is due to the changed social attitudes of today's woman who often choose work over family, increased use of contraception and abortion. At present the government is attempting to make changes that will possibly boost the birth rates, for example introducing paid maternity leave for woman. However the question still remains whether we want and need an increased population. This will continue to be a heavily debated issue.