Report about Brazil- mainly the government, population, and language

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Brazil is a republic with a strong national government. It has 26 states and 1 federal district. The federal district consists of Brasilia, the capital. Brazil's federal government has three branches. They are, an executive branch headed by a president, a legislative branch called the Congress, and a judicial branch, or court system. Brazils Current Political leaders are Chief of State: President Luiz Ignacio Lula Da Silva and Vice President Jose Alencar. The president is both the …

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…ttlements and physical features still have Indian place-names. The settlers also borrowed some words from the vocabulary of African slaves. Brazil's flag is green with a large yellow diamond in the center bearing a blue globe with 27 white five-pointed stars (one for each state and the Federal District) arranged in the same pattern as the night sky over Brazil; the globe has a white equatorial band with the motto ORDEM E PROGRESSO (Order and Progress).