Repercussions of weak relationships in Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and Therese Raquin by Emile Zola.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In a modern society where over 50% of marriages result in divorce, the concept of true love has dissipated into a mere illusion that few are able to obtain, let alone maintain. This situation was similarly seen in the late 1800's, when people began to realize the detrimental effects of hasty and unstable marriages. Authors Gustave Flaubert of Madame Bovary and Emile Zola of Therese Raquin portray this concept through the irresponsible actions and dangerous repercussions …

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…and Camille and Therese and Laurent had the ultimate price: the death of all three of them. <Tab/>The parallel of the characters, situations, and conclusions of Madame Bovary and Therese Raquin clearly emphasizes the theme of weak marriage leading to the demise of those involved in them. What was first disregarded by all the characters as a mere trifle was really the cause of all their suffering and their deaths.