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Essay Database > History > World History
Jake Herigstad Herigstad Page 1 Professor Gordon Final Paper on Reparations Communications 105 11-11-03 Reparations Reparations is defined by Websters as the act of making amends for a wrong. This is a topic in which hits close to home for many American citizens. Lewis says "Why are reparations good for Native Americans, Jewish Holocaust survivors and Japanese Americans but not people of African decent?" Is reparation needed in our society today? Is it to late to …

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…become. God put us both on this earth together to live and work together. We need to acknowledge the past abuse and put an end to it all. We are all citizens of this wonderful country and we need to live inv peace with each other. We will become closer to the nation that God intended as long as we stay on the path set forth by our leaders in fixing the matter at hand.