Remembrance day

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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
I am sitting here in the comfort of my home thinking about Remembrance Day. Remembrance Day is about remembering the men and women who risked their lives for our country and its people. If you stop and think about it we wouldn't have homes or all the luxuries we have if it weren't for the soldiers who fought to make our country free. I can't imagine how it would feel to sleep and fight in …

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…a day everybody should think that people were risking their lives for us so that we could have a free country. It is very sad to think about the people who go to war because some may never return and we may never see them again. There are wars going on as we speak. Now, let's stop them and never start another. Let's keep the earth full of love, happiness and peace. Lest We Forget.