"Remember The Titans."

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The video "Remember the Titans" identifies some major problems involving racism in the 1970's. In Alexandria, Virginia the schools have just begun integration, and it has left the city in an uproar. Coach Yoast is talking to his players about the soon to be integrated team. His defensive captain Gary Bertier says that he isn't going to play football with those animals, especially after he learns that Coach Boone is taking over the position of …

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…pts, and are losing badly. During halftime coach Boone says how they just need to try their best, but Julius cuts in and says that they want his demand of perfection. Julius says that none of the players are perfect, and never will be, but the Titans, together as a team, are. During the third quarter, Petey finally gets to return to the game, and due to this, they make a strong comeback to victory.