Religious Motifs in Frankenstein.

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Upon completion of this novel, a clearly prevalent and outstanding motif is that of religion and biblical reference. The frequent references to religion come in varied forms from that of biblical role-playing, to that of the fate of our current society. Another related argument that occurs can be the relationship of biblical role-playing and character domination. When all are combined appropriately, a very strong and prominent key motif in this novel is produced. Mary Shelley …

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…may have also been subjected to hardships in her society with brought her to believe that society was destined for doom. The surrounding evil overtaking good has a direct religious correlation to the main religious motif in this book and society in the eyes of Mary Shelley. Religious motifs are very present in this novel scattered everywhere. From biblical role-playing to society to power disposition, religious themes are a more-than-abundant source of meaning in Frankenstein.