Religious Conoatations in A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Religious Connotations of A Tale of Two Cities Many individuals base their lives on their religious beliefs, and Charles Dickens explains his religious beliefs in A Tale of Two Cities. Dickens uses spiritual allusions in his novel as evidence by James Weigal's commentary "If the terrors of the revolution take a political form, the hope that Dickens holds out in this novel have distinct religious qualities" (16). Charles Dickens manifests his religious views through symbolism, references …

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…Meltem. "France and England in A Tale of Two Cities." 10 Feb. 2000. <>. Marcus, David. "The Carlyean Vision." Modern Critical Interpretations. Harold Bloom, ed. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Rauzi, Robin. "Revolutionary Concept." Los Angeles Times. 30 Apr. 1998, Valley ed: 50. 2 Feb, 2000. <>. The Living Bible. Tyndale House Publishers: Wheaton, Illinois. 1971. Weigal, James Jr. Tale of Two Cities Cliff's Notes. LIncoln, Nebraska: Cliff Notes, Inc. 1999.