Religious Beliefs are Crucial to Rule an Empire.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Throughout India's very strong history there have been many powerful leaders. The strongest and most powerful rulers incorporated religious beliefs into political philosophies, and these beliefs helped fortify their respective empires, and keep the people united. This theory becomes clear when you see how two very prosperous emperors of India, Asoka and Akbar, included religious tolerance into their empires. Asoka, because of religious tolerance, brought the Mauryan Empire to its greatest height after he united …

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…and Akbar used religious tolerance throughout their empire. Even today this is a very important idea. America's most defining and cherished characteristic is its espousal of religious freedom. Since it's creation, religious freedom has been a vital concept in American history. Millions of people have immigrated from everywhere in the world to America because of this simple, yet vital concept. Religious tolerance could be the single most important belief that any country could possibly uphold.