Religion in Lord of the Flies

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The religious symbolism in Lord of the Flies, is very hard to miss. Now, the most obvious one of course is Simon. Others would include, Ralph, Jack, Rodger, Piggy, and salvation. Now there are many different ways to compare these people, this is just how I see it. First, Simon is obviously compared to a Christ figure. He isn?t only the Christ figure, but he is the possible savior for the boys on the …

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…I think it depends on you if you survive or if you face the challenge. It all depends on your character. The spiritual part of this book is very hard to miss. The island is a macronism of the world, so isn?t there all of these characteristics of the world? You have the selfish, the people trying to do good, and every character in the book has a part in the world, and religion.