Religion and Art in Brave New World

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
-<Tab/>Religion and Art in Brave New World In this utopian civilization, people are isolated from one another, divided into five different classes. The classes range from the Alphas, the Betas, the Gammas, the Deltas and finally, the Epsilons. The members of each class are ranked according to their mental capacity and physical appearance. Each class is conditioned to love their ranking; the mental inferiority is very important for the survival …

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…need for religion has disappeared and has been replaced by the worship of another God who is Ford. They basically live a fulfilled life and then they die. Also thanks to their conditioning they do not fear death but accept it as a way of life. All these discussions efficiently sums up the moral dilemma in exchanging happiness for freedom, art and religion, to gain stability and control over the people of Brave New World.