Relevant study notes of Fitness

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Fitness 1.<Tab/>What are 12 benefits of being a fit person socially, mentally and physically? Social - make new friends, different friends, team work, better person to relate to, social skills, get out more, social enjoyment, keeping up with friends, good social support, keeping up social activities, contact with friends and relatives, attending social events, Mental - improves sleep, confidence, discipline, happier mood, less stress, higher self-esteem, motivated, more concentration, alert, rest …

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…- relating to your thoughts and actions Concentration - strength of a substance Assertive - positive or confident in expressing ideas Mock tail - non-alcoholic drink 5.<Tab/>List 5 reasons why people drink alcohol and 5 reasons why some chose not to drink alcohol. -to escape from reality -celebrations -addiction -relaxation -experimenting -sociable -depressed -peer pressure -to taste it -allergies -family/culture beliefs -aware of risks/consequences -isolated -can't handle it -past experience