Relationship between Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare and its appropriation West Side Story and how the respective contexts demonstrate values that have been maintained or changed

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In comparing the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare (1596), with its' film appropriation "West Side Story" directed by Robert Wise (1961), it is evident that the portrayed values have been maintained or changed as a consequence of the time the texts were created in. The vastly different contextual eras predominantly generate altered values towards social and cultural issues such as patriarchy, marriage and family, whilst other ideologies such as the power and nature of love …

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…changes in plot and character are reflective ideologies of the contexts. The altered belief systems encompass patriarchy, marriage and family and within these issues the texts produce different attitudes. Alternatively, some values such as the power of love seem anachronistic remaining identical despite the changes in social and cultural structure. Therefore the relationship that exists between texts and their appropriation is a direct consequence of the change in values and attitudes of their respective contexts.