Relationship Between the Sexes in DH Lawrence

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Essay Database > Literature > English
INDEX Page: INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 4 1. THE MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT................................... 5 A) SOCIETY AND CLASS-CONSCIOUSNESS.................. 5 B) HUMAN NATURE AND MODERN CIVILIZATION.......... 6 2. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PEOPLE......................... 8 A) THE FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS........................................ 8 B) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SEXES............. 9 CONCLUSION.............................................................................11 BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................................................................12 INTRODUCTION It has been very difficult for me to choose a subject- matter about Lawrence's personal and professional life, mainly because all the authors that I have consulted agree with the idea that it is not easy to separate the different …

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…A great novellist teaches by illumination, and Lawrence "lights up for us wide areas of human experience". To his contemporaries, Lawrence caused a great shock to particular ideas and ways of living. But yet in these days, Lawrence is read by new generations because of the attraction of his thought, since it is not so much specific doctrines as " the sense of fresh air , of emancipation and freedom that please his new readers". (Kenneth Young).