Regulating Hate Speech on Campus.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Regulating Hate Speech on Campus Many universities, under pressure to respond to the concerns of those who are the objects of hate, have adopted codes or policies prohibiting speech that offends any group based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. The power of a university to eliminate bias on campus depends not on its ability to punish a racist speaker, but instead on its commitment to equality and education. Hate speech is comprised …

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…Lawrence, C. (1990) Regulating racist speech on campus. In C.R. Cooper & S.P. MacDonald (Eds.), Writing the world (pp.155-161). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. Matsuda, M. (1996) Assaultive speech and academic freedom. In C.R. Cooper & S.P. MacDonald (Eds.), Writing the world (pp.150-155). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. Shiell, T. (1998) Campus hate speech on trial. In C.R. Cooper & S.P. MacDonald (Eds.), Writing the world (pp.168-173). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's.