Regional Assessment Asia

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Wikipedia, an internet encyclopedia source, defines globalization as "a social change, an increased connectivity among societies due to transculturation; the explosive evolution of transport and communication technologies to facilitate international cultural and economic exchange" (Wikipedia, 2006). In other words, globalization pertains to the connectivity that allows businesses around the world to interact thus move beyond domestic markets to other markets around the globe. A major influence on moving towards a global economy has been progressive trend …

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…php India FAQ's (2005). Retrieved Monday, January 21, 2006 from Wikipedia contributors (2006). China. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20:57, January 23, 2006 from Wikipedia contributors (2006). Globalization. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:05, January 25, 2006 from Economy of India (2005). Retrieved Monday, January 10, 2005 from the world Wide Web: