Reggea Music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
It was Bob Marley who made reggae into an international phenomenon. In the wake of his success in the 1970s came a host of other names, and it wasn't long before reggae became an established genre of music. But reggae was simply the growth, the development, of what had been happening in Jamaican music.Beginning with ska, and then rock steady, the loudest island in the world had declared its real musical independence, and had …

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…only Rasta in the band, refused to sign agreements and contracts, a nightmare for both label and management. Even with Island's might and money, Catch A Fire didn't make international stars of the Wailers. The white rock world need more time to absorb the new phenomenon (acceptance really came with Eric Clapton's cover of Marley's "I Shot The Sheriff"). But it was the record that became the foundation for reggae to become a global phenomenon.