Reg Theriault and his book, "The Unmaking of the American Working Class".

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Drawing upon his experiences as a veteran longshoreman and fruit tramp, Reg Theriault, author of "The Unmaking of the American Working Class", accurately describes the blue-collar culture and ethics that have defined America, and it explains why they are worth preserving in today's society. "The Unmaking of the American Working Class" tells the reasons behind the disappearance of blue-collar work in America today. This advocacy for blue-collar workers follows sentiments regarding the human worker as …

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…with machines or underpaid immigrant workers if the unions are being too radical and demanding. It is a balance the workers must be weary of: to exact the right amount of fairness from the employer against demanding too much and being replaced. Blue collar workers need their jobs and cannot afford to be replaced, so they must only demand so much. The unions can only take care of the workers up to a certain point.