Refutation essay on environmental effects due to the conversion, reservation, and uses of energy and its byproducts.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
One major problem in the world today is pollution, specifically the environmental effects due to the industrialization of society, the introduction of motorized vehicles, the explosion of the population, and the conversion, reservation, and uses of energy and its byproducts. To solve this problem will require a drastic change in the way the world uses energy. And to accomplish that will require a new industrial revolution, a full turn around from society's mass reliance on …

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…conversion of current energy production using nonrenewable fuels into cleaner, more efficient energy production by means of renewable energy technologies already in existence today. Works Cited: Feldman, Gene. "Oil Pollution." SeaWiFS Project. 17 May 2004. < peril_oil_pollution.html > Acociated Press. "Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Site Fight Heads to Court." Fox 14 Jan. 2004. 17 May 2004. <,2933,108430,00.html>