Reformation and Ritual

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Essay Database > History
Question: What attitude or attitudes did the Reformations take towards popular religious forms? And how did the Reformations themselves come to embody ritual elements? The Reformation was a period of much social unrest. Whilst there existed a physical struggle evident upon the surface, underneath lie an intense philosophical and religious debate that served to test and question the values of Catholicism and the reasons for the need for change argued by the Protestant. The Reformation …

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…- Poes Criticizing the Avignon Papacy The Small Catechism of Martin Luther, Part Four: Holy Baptism, Translated by Robert E Smith on 10 June 1994 . . . erg/luther/ The Small Catechism of Martin Luther, Part Six: The Sacrament of the Altar, Translated by Robert E Smith on 10 June 1994 . . . erg/luther/