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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The term Counter-Reformation suggests that the Catholic movement began after the Protestant Reformation, whereas in truth the reform originally began in the Roman Catholic Church, and Luther was a Catholic reformer before he became a Protestant. Although there are certain dates assigned for the beginning and end of the Catholic Reformation, there has never been a break in the striving of the Church against the heresies that arose in the sixteenth century. But there was …

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…say that Roman Catholics defended their faith, but only improved after realizing the problems. The Catholic Reformation was not a response to the Protestant Reformation, rather a continuation of their strive for betterment. Through various methods including the Inquisition and the Council of Trent, all Roman Catholics reaped the rewards of the improved Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church was very successful in reforming itself and has continued to be a model of success.