Reform Movements.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
During the time period of 1825-1850, democratic ideals of eqality, liberty and pursuit of happiness were inculcated into the masses of America through a series of reform movements that emerged in the antebellum era. These reforms ranged from temperance, abolition and spirituality to public schools and good living conditions. Revival of religion provided new ideologies that paved the way for the Second Great Awakening. The reform movements of this period held a belies in the …

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…and they were against any kind of reforms. It is evident from Document 'G' which provides an example of such ideology which condemn the ideals of change or transformation of society. The reform movements did expand the democratic ideals in the America despite many odds and restraints. In fact, these criticisms increased the values of these reforms because they laid the foundation of democratic norms on which the greatest regime of democracy is today standing.