Reflective essay: "The best game of my life!"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Around six years ago I remember my parents encouraging me to play ice hockey. It was my first time on the ice and I had a bit of trouble getting started, but as I played more I began to love the sport and I just couldn't get enough of it, now it has become a significant part of my life. In this essay I will reflect upon a very important and exciting ice-hockey game that …

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…opposition and led to the game-winning-goal being scored. The fans and the team were in ecstasy! I will never forget the impact that game had on me. The experience and adrenaline rush felt during a game like that is unexplainable, though the word incredible comes to mind. I think ice hockey is one of the most exciting sports in the world and it has helped me to achieve better confidence, social attitudes, and physical status.