Reflective Response - "Who Is Barbie, Anyway? - M.G. Lord - A Reflective Response discussing the conflict of Lord's article

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Lord, M.G. "Who Is Barbie, Anyway?" 1994. Retellings: A Thematic Literature Anthology. Eds. Clarke, M.B. and A.G. Clarke. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2004. 744-752. "Barbie: Life in Plastic." Economist. 19 Dec. 2002. 2002. The Economist Group. Date accessed: 4 March, 2006. < Lord sees Barbie as representative of middle-class values and respectability. Considering the Barbie outfits and possessions you are familiar with, how would you argue that the statement is or is not true? …

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…a toy designed by women for women to teach women what - for better or worse - is expected of them by society. - Lord." (747) By viewing what the media industry has labeled as "middle class lifestyle", the real middle classes citizens are viewing the "optimal life" and classifying themselves lower, as they do not meet the standards that are preset. Barbie is in fact subconsciously damaging the fan base that loves it so much.