Reflection on "I, Rigoberta Menchu"

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Essay Database > Literature
In her autobiography, Rigoberta Menchú narrates the story of the indigenous people of Guatemala whose lives during the twentieth century reaction era were marked by hardship and injustice. "I, Rigoberta Menchú" illustrates the clashing of civilizations in the New World as a direct result of the colonizers' stubborn attempt to introduce and impose their culture into a medium that was not entirely compatible with it. The world view of …

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…more beneficial to society. They did not consider the fact that tradition is hard to break and the lives of the natives of the lands they had so haughtily conquered were shaped strictly by tradition. To reach a consensus both sides must budge; in the case of Latin America the ruling class refused to do so and thus, angered the oppressed who were not willing to conform like the minority had probably expected they would.