Reflection of Breathing Lessons ... O'Brien review.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Reflection of Breathing Lessons The movie Breathing Lessons caught me completely off guard. Even though I knew a little about the movie before watching it, I did not realize what an impact it would have on me. Seeing disability on the streets is impersonal because you only see the person for a few fleeting moments. Reading about disability in class goes a little deeper, but it is nothing compared to actually watching a visual chronicle …

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…determining issues. This illustrates to me that he is a very strong and determined man. He also shows his strength through his words. I thought that he was not only very talented, but extremely witty as well. Even though I had a lump in my throat and had to fight back tears throughout most of this movie, his quirky way with words and responses to the people he interacted with were comforting in the end.