Reflection Questions about the novel "My Brother Sam is Dead"

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Essay Database > Literature > English
My Brother Sam is Dead Chapter 1 Explain Mr. Meeker's statement, "You may know principle, Sam, but I know war." Mr. Meeker is saying that Sam doesn't really know what a war is. He has been in a war but Sam hasn't. He has seen a lot of things like 'a dear friend lying in the grass with the top of his skull off and his brains sliding out of them like wet oats' (p21) which …

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…nation without the Revolutionary War? I don't think the United States could have become a nation without the Revolutionary War. If they had lost the war, the British would still govern them. They would have to pay tax for the King and wouldn't have any freedom of speech etc. The African Americans would still remain as slaves. So I think the war was necessary to get the freedom even though there were so many killings.